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Was there a specific moment in your life when you realized exactly how strong your gift was?

We always knew we had a special psychic gift for predicting future events. It became very clear when we predicted the events of 9/11 and they actually transpired exactly as we had said. People who had heard our predictions on the radio called us from all over the country, asking, "What's next?"


What did it feel like realizing that you had this capability?

It was a bit frightening and overwhelming, to be honest with you! This was the biggest prophecy ever recorded, and there was a lot of pressure on us to continue to predict the headlines with accuracy. We admit that we put a lot of pressure on ourselves, and the media tried to test us. But we always felt we had a mission to help warn and protect people from the worst natural and international disasters.


What was it like growing up with psychic abilities as children?

We were loners as kids, always together and constantly making art! Coming from a family of artists, we were sensitive. The best part is having someone there with you in the face of life-or-death challenges, and also to share victories. Growing up in rural Pennsylvania, people had no reality on psychics and so we didn't share it much. We had what we call "twintuition," a strong psychic bond between twins. The truth is, we didn't talk much as children because we didn't need to. Both of us were painfully shy, which only added to our private world.


Most people don't realize that we are also artists, performance artists and comedians who starred on SNL (Saturday Night Live). The two of us developed a passion for creating extravagant costumes, performances and visual art. Our original costume designs have inspired some of the biggest pop stars of today, although they would never admit that! For over ten years, we ran our own magical night circus in New York City, and performed at hundreds of galas, including a performance at the White House. It was a very exciting time. We started modeling when we were in college. 


You have a book called, "Psychic Intelligence". Do you believe anyone can tap into this extra-sensory perception if they learn more about it?

There is a hierarchy of abilities, as with any talent. We believe everyone has some degree of intuition that can be developed. Itís like American Idol. Not too many can sing really well, but a few singers rise to the top with a really amazing gift that is undeniable. We wrote our second book "Psychic Intelligence" to teach people step-by-step how to find their own psychic strengths and develop them.


Do you ever worry about what repercussions your predictions may have or feel that some of them shouldn't be told at all?

It was so frustrating warning people about events and then the organizations involved with protecting people from those events were trying to silence us. It was so painful, we felt hopeless at times. Here we were predicting the biggest terror events and cataclysmic weather events on TV and radio, with proof on tape... that the FBI and National Weather Center were not predicting! Ever since we predicted 9/11 in 1999, the government blacklisted us in the media. Strange as it sounds, TV producers would not allow us to talk about our 9/11 predictions on TV for six years after it happened. Eventually, after two decades, we got to a point where our predictions were validated by every major network. 


That is one of the main reasons we decided to start our own YouTube channel. We had to get the true story out there. Young people are helping us by sharing our videos, books and predictions on social media. We are not a big secret anymore. They're listening to us now...


How does this gift affect your relationships with people? Do your friends/boyfriends/family ask you for predictions?

Yes, people seem to either constantly want free advice or they avoid us! Maybe they have secrets they don't want us to see. It can be very draining, so we don't socialize as much as we used to.


With great power comes great responsibility.  Do you ever feel burdened?

We not only predict world events and natural disasters, we have also predicted hundreds of the biggest medical and health breakthroughs since the 90s. Cancer, AIDS, blindness, stem cell research, paralysis... all of them have happened. So yes, it can be a huge cross to bear. Most people donít realize how difficult it is to do the work we do with accuracy. We spend five or six months preparing our annual world predictions shows! We have developed it to the level of a science.


The purpose of our work is to give people hope and uplift them. We have overcome many devastating illnesses in this life, and we are both cancer survivors. We lost over 45 of our friends to AIDS in a short period. So we feel especially interested in inspiring people who have chronic, painful illnesses to never give up hope. It has a special meaning for us. People feel that. We have talked many people out of suicide, that may be the most rewarding thing.


Do you have any upcoming projects that we can look forward to?

We are writing our fourth book now, and our dream is to make a feature film based on our life story, Separated at Earth, which is the name of our memoir. Our life has been like a surreal movie, it reads like fiction. But it all happened to us and we canít believe we survived. It's a miracle!

Learn more

about Terry & Linda Jamison and their new book, "Died Too Young" by visiting their website:

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